The Light on Things

The light, on the wall, the light that is yellow, wall that is white, the grass that is green, stem of the flower, the petals of the flower, white of the flower, the green of the flower, feel of the flower, the contrast between the green and white, the light of the lamp, feel of…

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Forms of Sensations

Turning to 3D Art, Farah Soltani’s first series of sculpture “Forms of Sensations” ,consist of eight oversized pieces of sculptures. Each Art work is approximately two meters tall and 100 kilograms in weight. Each piece represents an element – such as water, wind, sound, fire, love and so on – that can be found in…

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Count-less series

Nowadays we are surrounded by codes, digits, and numbers; it seems that we have countless possibilities and ideas,” Un-controllable” and exposed to un-limited plans and opportunities, our mind is continuously manipulated; not only every day but even every second of our lives. Aware or unaware, the dimensions of the world have transformed our emotions and circumstances,…

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After a Long Night series

Small objects carry great moments along, and great moments drag out details from the corners of our lives to remind us that nothing exist but short instance of being. It is these mundane, minute details that seem to give us pause for thought; a moment to school ourselves in meaning, a return to the days…

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Silhouettes series

Colors have always intrigued me and are therefore the cornerstone of my work. I believe colors can draw our attention, change our understanding of objects, create points of view or effect our mood. People intrigue me too; they also have colors! I am purple… Sometimes I become grey, especially when I’m confused. Once I was…

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