Turning to 3D Art, Farah Soltani’s first series of sculpture “Forms of Sensations”
,consist of eight oversized pieces of sculptures. Each Art work is approximately two meters tall and 100 kilograms in weight. Each piece represents an element – such as water, wind, sound, fire, love and so on – that can be found in almost every being in nature.
As Soltani, “Anything I see, I take it in my head and heart while perceiving it as an individual being. This observation gives me a certain understanding and emotion of that specific thing, which is only seen through the filters given to me by the environment. Therefore, when I see or even hear a word, for instant “river”, I feel its cool breeze on my skin, I remember the word water, when it floats and moves, how it sounds, I think of nature, creation, life and how we human being have ended up here and now.
In this series, my aim was to somehow craft these sensations and reflect those mental states in movements of these solid measuring tapes in my sculpture pieces. At the end, it is my way of a continuous self-study about how my perceptions are valued and identified. “